
Yacht Rental Etiquette: Dos and Don’ts in Singapore

Yacht rental provides an exceptional luxury experience, combining breathtaking ocean views with unparalleled services. Despite this customer-centric service, grasping and adhering to the correct etiquette is still necessary to guarantee a seamless and pleasant voyage.

Discover the essential dos and don’ts for yacht rental in Singapore, assisting you in navigating luxury yacht charters effortlessly and elegantly.

Do: Respect the Crew and Yacht

Communicate Clearly

Effective communication with the crew is essential. Before your trip, ensure all your requirements and preferences are clearly communicated. This communication includes dietary restrictions, activity preferences, and any special occasions being celebrated. During the voyage, maintain an open line of communication for any additional requests or changes.

Adhere to Yacht Rules

Every yacht charter in Singapore has its own set of rules and guidelines. Familiarise yourself with these rules upon boarding. These may include no smoking policies, designated areas for certain activities, and restrictions on footwear. Adhering to these rules ensures your safety and also shows respect for the yacht and its crew.

Maintain Cleanliness

Keeping the yacht clean and tidy is necessary. Dispose of trash properly and avoid leaving personal items scattered around. This behaviour helps maintain the yacht’s condition and ensures a pleasant environment for all guests. Utilise provided storage spaces and be mindful of common areas.

Don’t: Overpack or Bring Prohibited Items

Pack Smartly

When planning your yacht booking in Singapore, pack efficiently. Space on a yacht is limited, and bringing excessive luggage can create clutter and inconvenience. Focus on essentials such as swimwear, casual clothing, and any specific items required for activities you plan to engage in. Leave heavy or bulky items at home.

Avoid Prohibited Items

Before embarking, check with your yacht charter provider about prohibited items. Generally, firearms, illegal substances, and certain electronics may be restricted. Bringing prohibited items can lead to severe consequences and disrupt your trip. Always err on caution’s side and clarify any doubts with the crew.

Do: Be Mindful of Time

Punctuality is Key

Timeliness is vital in yacht rental. Ensure you arrive at the designated boarding time to avoid delays. Yacht schedules are often tight, and late arrivals can impact the itinerary. Plan your journey to the marina beforehand, considering possible traffic or transportation issues.

Respect Charter Duration

Adhering to the agreed-upon charter duration is vital. Extending your time on the yacht without prior arrangement can incur additional costs and inconvenience the crew. If you wish to extend your trip, communicate with the charter company in advance to discuss the possibility and associated fees.

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Don’t: Neglect Safety Precautions

Follow Safety Instructions

Safety should always be a priority. Pay attention to the safety briefing provided by the crew at the beginning of your trip. This briefing includes understanding the location and use of life jackets, emergency procedures, and basic first aid. Following these instructions can prevent accidents and ensure a safe voyage.

Avoid Risky Behaviour

Engaging in risky behaviour, such as swimming in restricted areas or ignoring weather warnings, can endanger everyone on board. Always heed the crew’s advice and avoid actions that could compromise safety. Enjoy your time responsibly to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all.

Do: Show Appreciation

Tip the Crew

Tipping is a customary way to show appreciation for excellent service. While not mandatory, a tip demonstrates gratitude for the crew’s efforts in making your luxury yacht charter experience memorable. The amount can vary based on the duration of the charter and the level of service provided, but a general guideline is 10-15% of the charter fee.

Provide Feedback

Feedback is invaluable for yacht charter companies. After your trip, take the time to provide constructive feedback about your experience. Highlight what you enjoyed and suggest any areas for improvement. This feedback helps the company enhance their services and ensures future clients have an even better experience.


Comprehending and following the proper etiquette is necessary to ensure a smooth and enjoyable luxury yacht charter in Singapore. By showing respect to the crew, keeping the yacht clean, being punctual, prioritising safety, and expressing gratitude, you can help create a positive environment and guarantee a memorable experience. Whether you are reserving a yacht for a special event or a leisurely cruise, adhering to these guidelines will enable you to maximise your yacht rental.

Contact Zenith Yacht Charters to experience the ultimate in maritime luxury.