
What is DNA? What are its functions?

The human body is made out of many elements and one of them is the DNA. This is one of the composing elements of the human body and that will help us to recognize as to what all are the different structural differences that we have as compared to the other human. This is, we can say the scientific way to distinguish one human from the other. The DNA strands will also help us understand the genetic formation of the humans as well.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is one of the structures that are made up of nucleic acids that are primarily composed of chromosomes that are made up of “genes”. Here we will notice that the structures that are involved in the transmission of inherited information in organisms. With the exception that is in the case of sex cells  that are involved in fertilization, we will be able to notice that in most organisms DNA exists as a two-stranded (“double”) helix that are  held together by base pairs. The main function here is to control the replication of the genetic material that is being done through a sequence that will require the involvement of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and then the process of protein synthesis. The process that this formation usually undertakes not only have the  involvement  that will lead to  not only the production of new individuals, here with the change  the ability of the body to continually replicate aging cells will also be given.

DNA as we can explain relates to inherited genetic changes that occurs because it is those changes that tend to occur when there is a mutation at a site in a sex cell that is controlling a characteristic, that will be effecting the one characteristic that is usually one that can be identified by “appearance”, such as symptoms of inherited diseases. These diseases are usually the ones that we will find that are being carried out if there is a mistake in replication.

The simple model of replication and synthesis of protein that can be seen in today’s world is that it is extended to include a great variety of activities of chromosomes. There are parts of the DNA code that are there for the specific characteristics; on the other hand there are some of the genes that are regulatory thatcan determine the action of the coding genes; a lot of the DNA as of now are not known to have a currently known function.

Scientists for centuries had been however working to figure out how heredity worked. With the discovery of the structure of DNA and its identification as the genetic material by Watson and Crick in the 1950’s this is one of the most important that will  remain one of the most famous discoveries in science. There are specific ways that have been able to describe its structure, duplication, and function. This is one of the times that the field of genetics exploded with studies on DNA and its complexities. With the advancements of the studies now we can see as to how one pair of chromosomes in a fertilized eggcan be a in a positionto produce the variety of different structures that make up organisms. This is also one of the ways we are being able to explain as to how thediseases are being carried on from one individual to the other. Then there is also one of the ways that we will be able to have a clear indication of the functioning of the different traits as well.

We can learn about many of these compositions from the different online learning websites as well. One suggestion that I must give the person are that you should always have a complete idea of the structure and also should be the composition that will be required to have specific trait in the individuals as well.

In the normal way we can even say that these are information molecule that stores instructions for making other large molecules, called proteins. All the instructions are being stored inside each of the cells, that is then distributed among 46 long structures that are called chromosomes. These chromosomes are further made up of thousands of shorter segments of DNA, called genes. This is also the process that reproduction in human and organism take place.