
Five Things You Need To Implement A Precision Maintenance Program

Precision Maintenance is a tactic for process improvement. A method that will be successful. Implementing this procedure is simple. Most of the work is already done by you. The best part is that the method can be implemented on one machine at a time and that there aren’t many expenditures associated with it. In a nutshell, precision maintenance is the practice of performing work within a specified tolerance or standard. By doing that, you can enhance your work operations and produce a machine that is much more dependable and advanced (asset).

There are five things you should already have or need to apply Precision Maintenance successfully.

Working Methods

Work procedures are documents that are written after the work process. They are included in your preventive maintenance schedule. Are they available for a pump overhaul, though? The process should outline the usual tolerances and requirements required to complete the work. You would get consistency from this. The tradesmen are the finest persons to write procedures if you don’t have any or if the ones you do have are antiquated or outdated because they are the ones who perform the task. Even better, it serves as a team-building activity because it fosters buy-in. However, they must be crystal clear, without ambiguity, and everyone must comprehend and agree upon them.

Measuring Devices

Precision Accurate measurement is needed for maintenance. It would help if you had tools that could accomplish this. Utilizing tools that can measure within the necessary tolerance is advised. Better results are achieved with tighter tolerances, but you cannot have a tolerance that is impossible to monitor. Therefore, you must have the appropriate equipment. To save the measured value or result electronically, attempt to use digital whenever possible. The greatest inaccuracy comes during the transfer of the visible value when utilizing instruments like theodolites, dial gauges, or levels, for example. Don’t buy crap is the one bit of advice I can give. If you have something the team would utilize, it would be helpful. Get them involved in selecting the necessary tools.

System For Processing Data

This is crucial since it provides you with a structured environment. For instance, you undoubtedly use a PM programme, which is essential. An EAM/CMMS system manages that. In addition, it will contain things like CBM tasks, PM schedules, planned work orders, and backlog orders. Each asset in the plant should have its file, depending on your EAM/CMMS capabilities. Each of them ought to be a benchmark record of the machine’s typical operational state. For instance, you should be aware of the normal operating temperature and where you would conduct the measurements to confirm this. Simple to carry out but quite beneficial to the PM tech. An asset history file ought to be included as well.

And this is where the system frequently breaks down. There may be a file. However, the asset/machine installation record or a coming into service report is frequently absent. This data is what governs how dependable this machine is. Consider what would happen if you needed to perform a breakdown analysis following a failure but lacked this knowledge. You would depend on speculation or perhaps inaccurate information.

The Necessary Expertise For The Job

We are creating training videos partly to support tradespeople who have trouble adjusting to new technology. In particular, before performing an alignment task, they are free to take their time and evaluate it as much as they like. All should be capable of taking and recording measurements with Precision Maintenance. So you might wish to spend money on training.

Proper Team Culture

Starting a programme like this isn’t easy if you work in maintenance, whether in management or skilled crafts. It is a highly valuable programme, but committing to it and sticking to it requires a lot of dedication. However, the real advantages are substantial in terms of machine/asset reliability. One advantage is that you have to work as a team or a group to complete something, which deters some people. But various cultures result in various teams. Others may not feel the same way about your morning hugs before work. Everyone should understand that cooperation is essential if we want to compete in today’s industrial world.

If you’d like to know more about measurement precision maintenance, contact us today!