
Why Do You Need Wall Insulation?

Homeowners are constantly looking for ways to lower their utility bills. One of the easiest things you can do is insulate your home. Not only is insulating your home important for the energy efficiency of your home, but it is also important for the health of your family. This post on wall insulation will cover all you need to know about it and how insulating your home can save you money.

What is wall insulation?

Wall insulation is any type of insulating material that is attached to or placed within walls. The purpose of such insulation is to create a barrier between the interior of a house and its exterior walls.

A wall’s primary purpose is to protect the inhabitants of the house from the elements of the outside world, such as rain and snow. Since these outside elements can get quite cold during the winter season and quite hot and humid during the summer season, the walls need to be insulated in order to keep the house at an ideal temperature. There are several types of wall insulation, such as fiberglass, cellulose and foam. All of these types of insulation can be used either separately or combined to make a more effective wall insulation.

How does wall insulation help me?

Wall insulation can help you save money on energy bills. It does this by either reflecting radiant heat back into the room, or by trapping it, so it cannot escape. As a result, your air conditioner or furnace will run less. Wall insulation is particularly effective in older homes, which are not as well-insulated as newer ones. The best kinds of insulation for walls are loose-fill cellulose, fiberglass, and foam boards.

What are some of the different types of wall insulation?

The most common types of wall insulation include:

Fiberglass insulation: Fiberglass insulation is a soft, fluffy material that is installed in the wall cavities to help reduce air movement. Fiberglass insulation is made from a combination of glass fibers and a mineral that is often aluminium. It is one of the least expensive types of insulation available.

Foam insulation: Foam insulation is a spongy material that is used to fill the space around pipes and behind studs in the walls of the home. It is often used with other types of insulation.

Cellulose insulation:Cellulose insulation is made of recycled newspapers, and is effective because it is inexpensive and easy to install.

What are the initial costs involved?

The initial cost of installing wall insulation is often off putting. However, with modern systems that can be installed by an expert, the cost is becoming more affordable. The cost of wall insulation will vary depending on the type of insulation you’re having installed, the size of the house, the number of walls that are being insulated, the type of property and other factors.


The purpose of wall insulation is to act as an additional barrier to maintain the temperature of the interior of the house. Insulating your home’s walls with the proper material can help you save money on heating and cooling costs. There are a number of different types of wall insulation, each with a different purpose, so you should carefully research your options before deciding on a material to use.